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Chapter 17


The tomb in which the body of the Lord Jesus was placed is empty.
Three days after his crucifixion, he rose from the dead: He is alive, He wants to come into your life. Jesus himself says; I am the resurrection and the life; He that believeth in me, though he was dead, yet shall he live.

Almost 2000 years have past since Jesus rose from the dead; and he still lives today as the greatest and most powerful influence in the world.

The proud states man of the past century has come and gone; Rulers, scholars, scientist, philosophers and scientist and theologians have come and gone. But Jesus still lives today.

He is the most unique person ever lived.
His birth was unique; The bible tells us he was born of a virgin Mary;
His life was unique; His life was characterized by the super natural; He lived a holy life without sin; and perform greater miracles than anyone who ever lived!
His message was unique; He offers love; forgiveness, and a new way of life to all those who receive him as savior and Lord.

Where ever his message has gone, new life, new hope, and new purpose for living resulted.
His death on the cross was unique; 2000 years ago, the God of the universe, sent his only son JESUS CHRIST, to be the sacrifice of sin for all men; He died for you!

His resurrection was unique; 3 days after his death, the most amazing event in history were took place; Jesus rose from the dead!

His Birth; His Life; His death and His resurrection; all proved that JESUS is exactly who he says he claims to be! The Son of God! The Savior of all Mankind.

This same Jesus Christ is alive today he wants to come into your life; forgive your sins and give you the power to live an abundant life listen to his words.

(Come unto me all he that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. I am the way the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.)

The Bible says for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God! He also says for the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

When Jesus died, he paid the penalty for your sin; Right now, he stands ready to come into your life:
(Behold I stand at the Door and knock if any man hears my voice and opened the door; I will come in to him.

To experience his love and forgiveness and receive eternal life; you must receive him as Gods sacrifice for your sin, and invite him to come into your life by FAITH.

If this is the desire of your heart, you can pray a prayer of FAITH and JESUS CHRIST will come into your Life.


ORD JESUS, I need you! Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my Life and receive you as my Saviour and Lord.
Take control of my Life; and make me the kind of person you want me to be. AMEN!

If this prayer rightly expresses the desire of your heart; pray this prayer right now where you are; one phrase at a time.

Now that you have prayed this prayer of FAITH and invited JESUS to come into your life, you can be sure that he came in: Because he promise he would; If only you ask him.
You can also be sure that your sins are forgiven!
That you are a child of God and have eternal Life!

If you want to experience the full and abundant Life that JESUS promise; talk with him everyday in prayer. Discover his wonderful plan for your Life by reading the scriptures; and meet with others who Love and follow him.

FinallyRemember always his wonderful promises!!!

I will never leave you; and Lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the earth!

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